
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Trump is the 'least worst option' for China, says LSE professor

U.S. President Donald Trump is fighting an "all-front" trade war and that may not be a bad thing for China, said one professor at the London School of Economics on Thursday.

Washington has locked itself into trade disputes with multiple countries, which has weakened historical ties and prevented some of those nations from aligning themselves against China, said Keyu Jin, associate professor of economics at LSE, told CNBC at the annual Barclays Asia Forum in Singapore.

"Trump is fighting an all-front war. What could not be better for China? If there were not such a strong alliance with Europe, which is what China's more concerned about — everyone ganging up against China," Jin said.

"Now, Trump is not making that possible, so that's why he's the least worst option."

The U.S. and China have slapped tariffs on billions of dollars of one another's goods. But key sticking points in trade talks include other issues like intellectual property protection and forced technology transfers.

"It is pushing China's strive for self-sufficiency, technological independence," Jin said.

For one, China is developing its own chip industry to increase domestic semiconductor production, she said.

The country aims to produce 70% of its semiconductors locally by 2025, and is ramping up investment in the sector. The Wall Street Journal also reported that China's government set up a $28.9 billion national semiconductor fund to invest in its chip industry.

"It's going to take a while, and it's very costly. China is changing the IT systems away from the West to adopting its own. We're seeing some decoupling in some sense," she added.

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DJI小型ドローンMavic Miniの性能に迫る!【速報レポート】 - ビバ! ドローン:Drone / UAV専門情報サイト

  1. DJI小型ドローンMavic Miniの性能に迫る!【速報レポート】  ビバ! ドローン:Drone / UAV専門情報サイト
  2. 「Mavic Mini」でDJIが日本のニーズを察した!  GIZMODO JAPAN
  3. DJIの超小型ドローン「Mavic Mini」、日本特別モデルは199g。46,200円  AV Watch
  4. DJIが199gのトイドローン「Mavic Mini」発表、最長18分飛行と2.7K動画の撮影可能  Engadget 日本版
  5. DJIの軽量ドローン「Mavic Mini」ハンズオン:199gだから、パッと飛ばせる  GIZMODO JAPAN
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DJI小型ドローンMavic Miniの性能に迫る!【速報レポート】 - ビバ! ドローン:Drone / UAV専門情報サイト

Anker、USB PD対応で20,000mAhのモバイルバッテリ - PC Watch

  1. Anker、USB PD対応で20,000mAhのモバイルバッテリ  PC Watch
  2. イザという時の大容量! Ankerから20,000mAhモバイルバッテリー2機種が15%OFFで登場  GIZMODO JAPAN
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Anker、USB PD対応で20,000mAhのモバイルバッテリ - PC Watch

DJI小型ドローンMavic Miniの性能に迫る!【速報レポート】 - ビバ! ドローン:Drone / UAV専門情報サイト

  1. DJI小型ドローンMavic Miniの性能に迫る!【速報レポート】  ビバ! ドローン:Drone / UAV専門情報サイト
  2. 「Mavic Mini」でDJIが日本のニーズを察した!  GIZMODO JAPAN
  3. DJIの超小型ドローン「Mavic Mini」、日本特別モデルは199g。46,200円  AV Watch
  4. DJIが199gのトイドローン「Mavic Mini」発表、最長18分飛行と2.7K動画の撮影可能  Engadget 日本版
  5. DJIの軽量ドローン「Mavic Mini」ハンズオン:199gだから、パッと飛ばせる  GIZMODO JAPAN
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DJI小型ドローンMavic Miniの性能に迫る!【速報レポート】 - ビバ! ドローン:Drone / UAV専門情報サイト

【NY外為】円が大幅高、一時107円台-ドルは統計軟調で下落 - ブルームバーグ

  1. 【NY外為】円が大幅高、一時107円台-ドルは統計軟調で下落  ブルームバーグ
  2. ドル指数10日ぶり安値、米利下げ継続か見極め=NY市場  ロイター (Reuters Japan)
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【NY外為】円が大幅高、一時107円台-ドルは統計軟調で下落 - ブルームバーグ

米株反落、通商合意巡る不透明感で アップル・FBは高い - ロイター (Reuters Japan)

米株反落、通商合意巡る不透明感で アップル・FBは高い  ロイター (Reuters Japan)
米株反落、通商合意巡る不透明感で アップル・FBは高い - ロイター (Reuters Japan)

マイナス金利、欧州で懐疑論広がる-深掘りに言及の日銀総裁と逆行 - ブルームバーグ

マイナス金利、欧州で懐疑論広がる-深掘りに言及の日銀総裁と逆行  ブルームバーグGoogle ニュースですべての記事を表示
マイナス金利、欧州で懐疑論広がる-深掘りに言及の日銀総裁と逆行 - ブルームバーグ

東証寄り付き 反落、一時200円安 米中交渉や米政治リスク懸念で - 日本経済新聞

  1. 東証寄り付き 反落、一時200円安 米中交渉や米政治リスク懸念で  日本経済新聞
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  3. 日経平均反落、一時200円安  日本経済新聞
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東証寄り付き 反落、一時200円安 米中交渉や米政治リスク懸念で - 日本経済新聞

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米株反落、通商合意巡る不透明感で アップル・FBは高い - ロイター (Reuters Japan)

米株反落、通商合意巡る不透明感で アップル・FBは高い  ロイター (Reuters Japan)
米株反落、通商合意巡る不透明感で アップル・FBは高い - ロイター (Reuters Japan)

FCA・プジョー合併で仏ルノーに打撃-日産との交渉力も低下か - ブルームバーグ

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FCA・プジョー合併で仏ルノーに打撃-日産との交渉力も低下か - ブルームバーグ

【NY外為】円が大幅高、一時107円台-ドルは統計軟調で下落 - ブルームバーグ

  1. 【NY外為】円が大幅高、一時107円台-ドルは統計軟調で下落  ブルームバーグ
  2. ドル指数10日ぶり安値、米利下げ継続か見極め=NY市場  ロイター (Reuters Japan)
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【NY外為】円が大幅高、一時107円台-ドルは統計軟調で下落 - ブルームバーグ

米株反落、通商合意巡る不透明感で アップル・FBは高い - ロイター (Reuters Japan)

米株反落、通商合意巡る不透明感で アップル・FBは高い  ロイター (Reuters Japan)
米株反落、通商合意巡る不透明感で アップル・FBは高い - ロイター (Reuters Japan)

McDonald's celebrates Happy Meal's 40th anniversary by bringing back retro toys - USA TODAY

Parents, kids and collectors, take note.

McDonald’s is bringing back some of the most popular Happy Meal toys to celebrate the 40th anniversary of its kids’ meals.

From Nov. 7-11, a special limited-edition Surprise Happy Meal will be available in more than 90 countries around the globe while supplies last.

“Since the Happy Meal was introduced on the menu, it quickly became synonymous with our brand,” McDonald’s CEO Steve Easterbrook said in a statement. “Today, this iconic red box creates lasting memories for billions of families annually across the world.”

Fifteen toys will be available globally with two extra Disney exclusives for the U.S

Chicken Sandwich War: Popeyes announces return date of its chicken sandwich and takes a dig at Chick-fil-A

Holiday shopping season has arrived: Walmart already offering deals

The first McDonald's kids' meals were introduced in the U.S. in June 1979 as the Circus Wagon Happy Meal. Many of the early toys featured McDonald's McDonaldland characters.

“Parents tell us how fondly they recall their favorite toys,” said Colin Mitchell, McDonald’s senior vice president, global marketing. “So, unboxing the Surprise Happy Meal together creates a real moment of bonding with their children. We hope these toys are something that they will treasure and remember.”

The toy lineup

Between Nov. 7-11 while supplies last, the following toys will be in McDonald's Happy Meals:

  • Cowboy McNugget (McDonald’s): 1988
  • Fireman McNugget (McDonald’s): 1988
  • Mail Carrier McNugget (McDonald’s): 1988
  • Hamburger Changeable (McDonald’s): 1989
  • Grimace (McDonald’s): 1990
  • Dino Happy Meal Box Changeable (McDonald’s): 1991
  • McDonald’s Hot Wheels Thunderbird (Mattel): 1993
  • Hamburglar (McDonald’s): 1995
  • Power Rangers (Hasbro): 1995
  • Space Jam Bugs Bunny (Warner Brothers): 1996
  • Patti the Platypus (Ty Beanie Baby): 1997
  • 101 Dalmatians – U.S. Exclusive (Disney): 1997
  • Tamagotchi (Bandai): 1998
  • My Little Pony (Hasbro): 1998
  • Furby (Hasbro): 1999
  • Sorcerer’s Apprentice Mickey – U.S. Exclusive (Disney): 2002
  • Hello Kitty (Sanrio): 2013

Follow USA TODAY reporter Kelly Tyko on Twitter: @KellyTyko

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November 01, 2019 at 06:02AM

McDonald's celebrates Happy Meal's 40th anniversary by bringing back retro toys - USA TODAY
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パナソニックの梅田CFO「テスラ事業、黒字化厳しい」 - 日本経済新聞

  1. パナソニックの梅田CFO「テスラ事業、黒字化厳しい」  日本経済新聞
  2. パナソニック、2019年度第2四半期決算説明会。営業利益、純利益ともに減益  Car Watch
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パナソニックの梅田CFO「テスラ事業、黒字化厳しい」 - 日本経済新聞

【NY外為】円が大幅高、一時107円台-ドルは統計軟調で下落 - ブルームバーグ

  1. 【NY外為】円が大幅高、一時107円台-ドルは統計軟調で下落  ブルームバーグ
  2. ドル指数10日ぶり安値、米利下げ継続か見極め=NY市場  ロイター (Reuters Japan)
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【NY外為】円が大幅高、一時107円台-ドルは統計軟調で下落 - ブルームバーグ

Southern California endures 2nd straight day of wind-driven wildfires

Firefighters battle the Kincade Fire as a barn burns on October 27, 2019 in Santa Rosa, California.

Justin Sullivan | Getty Images

Another spate of Southern California wildfires roared to life on Thursday, destroying homes and forcing evacuations, as the region faced a second day of explosively fierce Santa Ana winds that have fanned flames, displacing thousands of residents.

The most destructive among several new fires in the region erupted hours before dawn in the rugged slopes of the San Bernardino National Forest above the city of San Bernardino and roared into a foothill neighborhood at the north end of town.

The so-called Hillside fire quickly devoured more than 200 acres of dry scrub and destroyed or damaged at least six homes before firefighters managed to keep the flames from advancing farther into neighborhoods, fire officials said.

Authorities ordered the evacuation of nearly 500 homes, displacing about 1,300 residents. No injuries were reported.

The cause of the fire was under investigation, but the San Bernardino County Fire Department said on Twitter that no power lines were located where the blaze originated.

"The winds have probably been the biggest factor promoting this fire spread," fire department spokesman Chris Prater said.

The latest recurrence of Santa Ana winds, howling into the region through mountain passes from the desert, were so extraordinarily dry, powerful and prolonged that the National Weather Service created a new alert level, issuing an "extreme red flag warning" in Los Angeles and Ventura counties.

The warning remains posted until Thursday evening, but fire officials said high winds were expected to taper off by late afternoon.

Getty and Reagan

Two other major fires have charred the region since the start of the week.

A fire that erupted early on Monday near the famed Getty Center art museum in west Los Angeles, threatening thousands of homes in some of the city's wealthiest neighborhoods, was largely suppressed by Thursday, with containment listed at 40%.

Residents were being allowed to return to most of the 10,000 homes that had been ordered evacuated. About a dozen dwellings were lost in the 745-acre Getty fire and two firefighters were injured, but the museum came through unscathed.

About 30 miles to the northwest, a fire that raged to the edge of the hilltop Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Ventura County's Simi Valley on Wednesday was 10% contained on Thursday after threatening thousands of homes.

Some 26,000 residents were evacuated at the height of that blaze, dubbed the Easy fire, along with an unknown number of horses and other livestock in an area dotted with ranch properties. Firefighters managed to keep flames from damaging the Reagan Library compound.

By Thursday, the Easy fire had scorched more than 1,700 acres, and county schools remained closed.

High winds also left thousands of people in the region without electricity, either from downed power lines or from utilities selectively shutting off power to reduce the risk of wildfires being sparked by damaged wires.

Investigators say the Getty fire was likely caused by a broken tree branch blown into power lines during high winds on Monday morning.

In northern California, firefighters have been fighting the nearly 77,000-acre Kincade Fire in Sonoma County's wine country for more than a week. That blaze has destroyed at least 266 homes and other structures, but was listed as 60% contained on Wednesday.

Pacific Gas and Electric Co acknowledged last week that the Kincade fire started near a damaged transmission tower at about the time a live high-voltage line on that tower malfunctioned.

PG&E filed for bankruptcy in January, citing $30 billion in potential liability from a series of deadly fires sparked by its equipment in 2017 and 2018.

As many as 190,000 people were displaced at the height of the Kincade Fire, but some evacuation orders have since been lifted.

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A 12th United Auto Workers official is charged in ongoing federal corruption probe - CNBC

FBI agents walking into the home of United Auto Workers President Gary Jones after removing materials from the location on Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2019.

Michael Wayland/CNBC

DETROIT — The scope of an ongoing federal corruption probe into the United Auto Workers continues to widen as the union attempts to solidify new labor contracts with the Detroit automakers.

Federal prosecutors on Thursday charged Edward Robinson, a union official with ties to UAW President Gary Jones, with conspiracy to embezzle union funds and conspiracy to defraud the United States. Both are felonies punishable by up to five years in prison.

Robinson, who led a regional UAW community action program council where Jones served as director, is accused of conspiring with union leaders to "embezzle, steal, and unlawfully and willfully abstract" more than $1.5 million in cash and assets for personal gain to fuel "lavish lifestyles," according to a new criminal filing.

Jones and his predecessor, UAW President Dennis Williams, have been targeted by federal officials as part of the investigation, including raids on their homes in August, but have not been charged with any crimes. The Detroit News on Thursday, citing unnamed sources, identified both men as being unnamed co-conspirators in the filing that outlined the charges against Robinson.

The UAW did not immediately respond to the filing or charges against Robinson, who could not be reached for comment.

Robinson was charged in a criminal information filing, which indicates a guilty plea is expected.

The alleged illegal activities, according to the filing, occurred from about 2010 until September. The time frame signals federal prosecutors are continuing to focus on retired and current UAW officials.

Senior union officials involved in the scheme allegedly bought lavish dinners and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on hotels and private villas and tens of thousands of dollars on cigars as well as golf green fees and merchandise, according to the filing.

The allegations against Robinson — the 12th person charged as part of the probe — come a day after the UAW, including Jones, announced a new tentative deal with Ford Motor.

Ten people, including seven with the union, have been sentenced to prison as part of the probe. UAW Region 5 Director Vance Pearson, who took a leave of absence from the union, has been charged as part of the investigation but not been convicted.

The investigation was expected to add to the already contentious contract negotiations between the UAW and Detroit automakers.

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November 01, 2019 at 02:55AM

A 12th United Auto Workers official is charged in ongoing federal corruption probe - CNBC
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DJI、航空法対象外で“飛ばしやすい”本格ドローン「Mavic Mini」--税込4万6200円 - CNET Japan

  1. DJI、航空法対象外で“飛ばしやすい”本格ドローン「Mavic Mini」--税込4万6200円  CNET Japan
  2. 「Mavic Mini」でDJIが日本のニーズを察した!  GIZMODO JAPAN
  3. DJIの超小型ドローン「Mavic Mini」、日本特別モデルは199g。46200円  AV Watch
  4. DJIが199gのトイドローン「Mavic Mini」発表、最長18分飛行と2.7K動画の撮影可能  Engadget 日本版
  5. DJIの軽量ドローン「Mavic Mini」ハンズオン:199gだから、パッと飛ばせる  GIZMODO JAPAN
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DJI、航空法対象外で“飛ばしやすい”本格ドローン「Mavic Mini」--税込4万6200円 - CNET Japan

Everything Jim Cramer said on 'Mad Money,' including stock picks, Fed and China chatter, Smarties

CNBC's Jim Cramer reveals stocks worth buying after Thursday's market decline. The "Mad Money" host chats with top brass of Columbia Sportswear, Smarties and Eurazeo. He explains why investors shouldn't stress the new speculations about future interest rate cuts and ramblings about U.S.-China trade uncertainties.

Thursday's pull back is a treat to investors

Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. brand medication at a pharmacy in Princeton, Illinois, U.S.

Daniel Acker | Bloomberg | Getty Images

CNBC's on Thursday identified a number of food and drug stocks that are worth buying after the major indexes pulled back during the trading day.

The "Mad Money" host recommended drug stocks , , , and as buys on the way down. He added and to the shopping list, before suggesting that , and are approaching oversold levels.

"When we get these sell-offs we tend to hear broad sweeping predictions, often of dire proportions," Cramer said, arguing that investors should "view this pullback as a gift."

Columbia Sportswear on shifting sourcing out of China

Columbia Sportswear CEO Tim Boyle

Anthony Pidgeon | Redferns | Getty Images

beat sales and profit estimates in its third-quarter report and raised its earnings guidance for the current quarter, but shares failed to rally in Thursday's session.

The stock was weighed down by doubts that Chinese officials reportedly have about the prospects of reaching a trade deal with U.S. negotiators. Longtime CEO Tim Boyle on Thursday told Cramer that the apparel company has been shifting sourcing away from China.

"We've, over the last several years, been moving product out of China, not because we don't like China, but frankly because there's been better opportunities in other sourcing countries," he said in a one-on-one interview.

Don't fret Fed, China chatter that is a weight on the market

Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.

Brendan McDermid | Reuters

The Federal Reserve on Wednesday cut interest rates for the third time this year and talking heads on Thursday began speculating what the central bank would do about monetary policy in the future.

Chinese officials on Thursday reportedly cast doubts about trade talks with U.S. negotiators, and more questions were abound about the trade dispute between the world's largest economies. Both events triggered a sell-off during the session, which Cramer said should be taken with a grain of salt.

"You need to ignore these parlor games that the commentators love to play. I want you to keep your eyes on the prize, and that's owning high-quality stocks of high-quality companies and riding them through periods of idle chatter," the host said. "I know it is hard believe, but let me tell you: after 40 years of doing this, I can tell you that most of this speculation about the Fed or China trade talks is absolutely meaningless. Do yourself a favor and tune it out."

Smarties co-president talks adapting to changing consumer tastes

Liz Dee, Co-President, Smarties

Scott Mlyn | CNBC

Smarties, the privately held tablet candy producer now in its fifth generation of family ownership, is an iconic candy brand that is working to keep with the modern consumer and finding success. Co-President Liz Dee paid Cramer a visit to discus the host's favorite treat, which Dee explained is free of fat, gluten and top allergens, while also marketable to vegan consumers.

"While we are still a nostalgic and iconic candy, we continue to stay fresh and current for today's consumers," she said. "So we're really working for today's sensibilities while still staying classic and true to our roots with the candy."

Eurazeo's Adrianne Shapira on emerging consumer trends

Adrianne Shapira, Eurazeo

Scott Mlyn | CNBC

Eurazeo Managing Director Adrianne Shapira sits down with Jim Cramer to explain how the French private equity firm evaluates investment opportunities and breaks down changing consumer tastes she sees in the market. The company's portfolio includes Nest Fragrances, cosmetics company Pat McGrath Labs and fashion curator Bandier, among others.

"I think what we found is our founders — all of our five investments are founder led — they are unbelievable soulful people," Shapira said in the one-on-one, "and they've got great stories to tell and as a result you know consumers really resonate with that."

Cramer's lighting round

In Cramer's lightning round, the "Mad Money" host takes calls and delivers his thoughts about callers' favorite stock picks in rapid speed.

: "Xilinx has got too much China."

: "No, we're not going to buy more oils. ... The oils are just a bummer."

: "It's a REIT for cannabis, and I'm going to say nothing cannabis is working, including a REIT. So no way, no how."

Questions for Cramer?
Call Cramer: 1-800-743-CNBC

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Jim Cramer says investors should view Thursday's market pullback 'as a gift'

CNBC's Jim Cramer on Thursday identified a number of food and drug stocks that are worth buying after the major indexes pulled back during the trading day.

The "Mad Money" host recommended drug stocks Bristol-Myers Squibb, Merck, Eli Lilly, Biogen and Abbott Laboratories as buys on the way down. He added Mondelez and Waste Management to the shopping list, before suggesting that Walmart, Target and Costco are approaching oversold levels.

"When we get these sell-offs we tend to hear broad sweeping predictions, often of dire proportions," Cramer said, arguing that investors should "view this pullback as a gift."

The Dow Jones Industrial Average dipped 0.52%, or about 140 points, to 27,046.23 in the session. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite both dipped as much as 0.30% to slide away from record levels.

Stocks traded lower after new doubts emerged from Chinese officials about a long-term solution to the U.S-China trade war, despite the day prior getting strong earnings reports from Facebook and Apple and an interest rate cut from the Federal Reserve.

Cramer, however, contended that China is not calling the shots in the trade negotiations. He said the Chinese economy is feeling more of the brunt from the trade dispute as American manufacturers move operations outside of China to avoid tariff costs.

He insisted that the "sellers are wrong," finding solace in the fact that stocks moved on speculation.

"When you look at a sell-off through that prism," after taking into account everything that's going right, "you'll recognize that nothing has changed here except the stock prices got cheaper. The market's throwing a sale that it doesn't need to throw."

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米中懸念再燃で景気敏感株に注目(先読み株式相場) - 日本経済新聞

米中懸念再燃で景気敏感株に注目(先読み株式相場)  日本経済新聞Google ニュースですべての記事を表示
米中懸念再燃で景気敏感株に注目(先読み株式相場) - 日本経済新聞

DJI、航空法対象外で“飛ばしやすい”本格ドローン「Mavic Mini」--税込4万6200円 - CNET Japan

  1. DJI、航空法対象外で“飛ばしやすい”本格ドローン「Mavic Mini」--税込4万6200円  CNET Japan
  2. 「Mavic Mini」でDJIが日本のニーズを察した!  GIZMODO JAPAN
  3. DJIの超小型ドローン「Mavic Mini」、日本特別モデルは199g。46200円  AV Watch
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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Los Angeles Lakers, Delta extend partnership; now offering ticket exchange service

Los Angeles Lakers forward LeBron James (23) moves to the basket against Denver Nuggets guard Jamal Murray (27) during the second half at Staples Center, March 6, 2019.

Gary A. Vasquez | USA TODAY Sports | Reuters

The Los Angeles Lakers and Delta Air Lines extended their partnership on Wednesday, allowing Atlanta based company to remain the "exclusive airline partner" of the team.

To celebrate the deal, Delta and the Lakers agreed to launch "Showtime Seat Exchange," a charitable trading service which will allow season ticket holders to receive an airline ticket in exchange for tickets to one of the four available Lakers home game.

"We are incredibly proud to partner with Delta on the launch of 'Showtime Seat Exchange'," Tim Harris, the Lakers President of Business Operations, said in a statement. "For almost a decade, Delta has worked together with the team to create unique and innovative programs that give back, and this initiative is yet another example of their continued commitment to Lakers fans and the community."

Fans can gift tickets to one of the following Lakers home games: the Nov.15 contest against the Sacramento Kings, the Dec. 22 outing against the Denver Nuggets, the Jan. 31 (Portland Trail Blazers), or the March 15 (Nuggets). Once the exchange program reaches 50 tickets, the service will close.

For their donation, ticketholders will receive domestic, roundtrip Delta vouchers "to be used within one year from the date of issue." Local charities that will receive the game tickets include After-School All-Stars, Bob Hope USO, Junior Achievement of Southern California, and KIPP LA public schools.

"The launch of 'Showtime Seat Exchange' allows our organizations to make a strong, aligned impact, connecting our community and customers through this unique program," Scott Santoro, Delta's Vice President of Los Angeles and West Sales, said in the statement.

The exchange service for the Nov. 15 game is now open at The service will close on Nov. 5 or when 50 tickets are donated. Tickets for this game will be given to the After-School All-Stars organization.

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Ford reaches tentative labor contract with UAW, avoiding union strike

Gary Jones, president UAW International, (left) and Bill Ford, executive chairman, Ford Motor, shake hands on July 15, 2019 at Ford World Headquarters to begin negotiations for a new contract.


DETROIT — Ford Motor and the United Auto Workers have reached a tentative deal on a new labor contract without a strike.

The four-year deal includes $6 billion in new investments from Ford and the creation or retention of 8,500 U.S. jobs, according to the union.

Other details of the proposed contract were not disclosed. However, the pact is expected to share many of the same terms as the union's recent contract with General Motors. That deal included 3% raises or 4% lump-sum bonuses each year of the contract, retention of roughly 3% out-of-pocket health-care costs and a path for temporary workers to become full-time employees.

GM also agreed to $11,000 ratification bonuses for most of its roughly 48,000 UAW employees, however, previous contracts have included lower bonuses for Ford and Fiat Chrysler workers.

The union traditionally uses "pattern bargaining" with the Detroit automakers. It selects a "target" company to negotiate with first. Once a deal is agreed upon and ratified, the union uses the contract as a template for negotiations with the other two automakers.

Ford's negotiations with the union were expected to be less contentious and move more quickly than the UAW's talks with GM, which included a 40-day strike that ended Friday and cost the automaker billions.

The Ford contract is likely at least a week or two away from being approved or rejected by rank-and-file union members. It still needs approval from local union leaders who will come to Detroit to vote on the deal. If the local UAW leaders approve the proposed contract, Ford's roughly 55,500 UAW members must then vote on it.

If members vote the deal down, negotiators would be expected to return to the bargaining table and a strike would once again be an option for the union.

The UAW, if the deal is ratified, would next turn its attention to Fiat Chrysler, the last of the Detroit automakers the union needs to negotiate with for 2019.

The UAW's discussions with Fiat Chrysler are expected to be more contentious than those with Ford amid a federal probe into union corruption that started with the Italian-American automaker. There's also uncertainty about the company's future amid a potential merger deal confirmed this week with French automaker PSA Group.

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【NY外為】ドル一時2週間ぶり高値、FOMCが利下げ打ち止め示唆 - ブルームバーグ

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【NY外為】ドル一時2週間ぶり高値、FOMCが利下げ打ち止め示唆 - ブルームバーグ

ドル円、タカ派寄りのFOMCを受けて急伸するも、長い上髭を残す形で急反落(10/31朝) - FX羅針盤

ドル円、タカ派寄りのFOMCを受けて急伸するも、長い上髭を残す形で急反落(10/31朝)  FX羅針盤Google ニュースですべての記事を表示
ドル円、タカ派寄りのFOMCを受けて急伸するも、長い上髭を残す形で急反落(10/31朝) - FX羅針盤

武蔵小杉タワマン停電、売却の動き出始める…豊洲など湾岸タワマンの危険性指摘も | ビジネスジャーナル - Business Journal

  1. 武蔵小杉タワマン停電、売却の動き出始める…豊洲など湾岸タワマンの危険性指摘も | ビジネスジャーナル  Business Journal
  2. 台風19号・多摩川氾濫「犯人捜し」「被災タワマン階層差」切り裂かれた人間模様(デイリー新潮)  Yahoo!ニュース
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武蔵小杉タワマン停電、売却の動き出始める…豊洲など湾岸タワマンの危険性指摘も | ビジネスジャーナル - Business Journal

Fed Chair Jerome Powell says current monetary policy stance 'likely to remain appropriate' - CNBC

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell indicated that future rate cuts are unlikely so long as conditions remain around where they are now.

Speaking shortly after the central bank approved a quarter-point reduction Wednesday, Powell indicated that the "midcycle" adjustment he has been talking about for the past five months is likely at an end.

"We see the current stance of monetary policy as likely to remain appropriate as long as incoming information about the state of the economy remains broadly consistent with our outlook," he told reporters at his post-meeting news conference.

The Federal Open Market Committee approved a 25 basis point reduction to a new target range of 1.5% to 1.7%, citing concerns over global growth and low inflation among other things.

But the committee also removed key language from the statement indicating that it would continue to "act as appropriate to sustain the expansion."

In his remarks to the media, Powell described monetary policy as being "in a good place" as "the baseline outlook remains favorable" for the economy.

He repeatedly stressed the phrase "likely to remain appropriate" as well as emphasizing that the current rate will hold as long as "the outlook remains broadly in keeping with our expectations."

Powell did leave room for the Fed to change its mind if conditions should shift for an economy that is growing around a 2% rate with the unemployment rate holding at a 50-year low of 3.5%.

Before returning to rate hikes, he said he would need to see a "really significant" rise in inflation.

"Of course, if developments emerge that cause a material reassessment of our outlook, we would respond accordingly. Policy is not on a preset course," Powell said.

Wednesday's rate cut is the third of the year, coming after moves in July and September.

Powell teed up the first rate cut by coining the "act as appropriate to sustain the expansion" language in June. The phrase had been included in each subsequent Fed statement before being removed after this week's two-day FOMC meeting.

The cuts have represented an about-face for the Fed, which had been indicating heading into 2019 that two additional rate hikes likely would be appropriate after nine increases since December 2015.

"Overall, we continue to see sustained expansion of economic activity, a strong labor market and inflation near our 2% objective as most likely," Powell said. "Our views about the path of interest rates that will best achieve these outcomes have changed significantly over the past year."

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米国株最高値、FOMCが金利据え置きを示唆 - ブルームバーグ

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  3. FOMC受けドル円は上に往って来い オープンとの見方に変化はない=NY為替後半  みんかぶFX
  4. 米金融当局、今年3回目の利下げと休止の用意か-30日FOMCで  ブルームバーグ
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ドルは109円前後、米中合意期待で一時3カ月ぶり高値もFOMC待ち - ブルームバーグ

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  3. ドル下落、FOMC控え ポンドも安い=NY市場  ロイター (Reuters Japan)
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ドルは109円前後、米中合意期待で一時3カ月ぶり高値もFOMC待ち - ブルームバーグ

Apple earnings Q4 2019: Tim Cook says health will be what Apple is remembered for - Ars Technica

The new Apple Watch Series 5.
Enlarge / The Apple Watch Series 5 has an always-on display thanks to new and improved display internals.

Apple's quarterly earnings calls have fallen into a predictable pattern for the past year or two: iPhone revenues are declining year-over-year, and the Mac mostly remains stagnant, but every other one of Apple's businesses—wearables and services most notably—are ballooning.

That was the case again with Apple's Q4 2019 earnings report today; iPhones were down, but the company posted its highest revenue ever in a September quarter thanks to good performance from services like the App Store, AppleCare+, and Apple Pay, as well as strong iPad and Apple Watch sales. Total revenue was $64 billion.

Apple revealed during the proceedings that the iPhone 11 (sans Pro) is now its best-selling phone, and that iPhone revenue was $33 billion—a 9% decline over the same quarter the previous fiscal year, albeit an improvement over the 15% decline the company saw in the previous three quarters this year. (That improvement is very likely accounted for by the launch of the iPhone 11 and its ilk mid-September, just before the quarter ended.)

Mac sales were down 5%, but Apple CEO Tim Cook was quick to point out on the earnings call with investors that the company released a major update to the MacBook Air, one of its most popular computers, around this time last year but has not done so yet this year, ostensibly explaining some of the drop.

Apple is expected to refresh some of its laptops in the coming months and plans to imminently launch the pricy Mac Pro. Aimed at creative professionals, the Mac Pro's price point makes it less of a mass-market device than the MacBook Air.

Apple boasted 18% growth in services revenue, an improvement over the previous quarter that brings the 2019 fiscal year total to $46 billion. It was $12.5 billion for this quarter on its own. Among other things, this was credited to "all-time record revenues from payment services" like Apple Pay. The company alluded to the recent launches of Apple Card, Apple News+, and Apple Arcade, but it did not provide individual numbers for them during the call. Apple also said today that this was the best quarter ever for AppleCare.

The iPad saw 17% growth driven by the iPad Pro, but the big positive narrative from the company was that of wearables, which include Apple Watch and AirPods. The company saw 54% growth in that category, and the quarter in question ended before AirPods Pro were announced or released.

In an answer to an investor question, Cook let it be known that he sees wearables like the Watch and its associated health functionality as the future of the company. "There will be a day in the future that we look back and Apple's greatest contribution will be to people's health," he said.

Some investors are understandably concerned that many of Apple's growth areas are dependent on the iPhone. Users are sticking with their existing iPhones and opting going longer between upgrades than ever before, leading to ever-slowing iPhone sales. But Apple stock rose slightly after the call regardless, indicating that the market at least believes Apple still has plenty of room to grow in services and wearables in the near term before the iPhone's slowing momentum becomes a serious problem.

And in some cases, the numbers bear that out: a substantial portion of Apple's wearables revenue (which now stands toe-to-toe with the Mac) comes from customers making a first-time purchase in that category. And Cook again made vague allusions to major new products in the wearables category, which (not his words) could include the company's rumored augmented reality headset.

Despite those declining iPhone sales, Apple users probably shouldn't be too concerned about the future of the ecosystem they've invested in. The company stated earlier this year that it has an install base of 900 million iPhones globally. Whether that continues to grow is a concern for investors looking for big returns in their portfolios, but not for users; an install base that size all but ensures continued support, content, and updates for many years yet.

Looking ahead to Q1 2020, Apple projects revenue between $85.5 billion and $89.5 billion—Q1 is often a big quarter for the company, as it carries holiday sales and much of the immediate post-launch revenue from the new iPhone lineup.

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October 31, 2019 at 06:15AM

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新幹線16基地が「浸水想定区域」 JR5社に国交省が対策要求へ 盛り土は限界か - 毎日新聞

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新幹線16基地が「浸水想定区域」 JR5社に国交省が対策要求へ 盛り土は限界か - 毎日新聞

Top Trump adviser steps down ahead of impeachment testimony

President Donald Trump's top adviser for Russian and European affairs is leaving his job at the White House, a day before he's scheduled to testify before the House impeachment investigators, a senior administration official said Wednesday.

Tim Morrison owes his job at the National Security Council to Trump, but his testimony Thursday in the House impeachment inquiry might be central to a push to remove the president from office.

A senior administration official said Morrison "has decided to pursue other opportunities." The official, who was not authorized to discuss Morrison's job and spoke only on condition of anonymity, said Morrison has been considering leaving the administration for "some time."

Morrison has been in the spotlight since August when a government whistleblower said multiple U.S. officials had said Trump was "using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election."

Now it's his turn in the impeachment probe's hot seat.

Morrison, tall and lean with an authoritative voice, will be asked to explain that "sinking feeling" he got when Trump demanded that Ukraine's president investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and meddling in the 2016 election.

Morrison, who is in his 40s, is a political appointee in the Trump White House, brought on board by former national security adviser John Bolton to address arms control matters and later shifted into his current role as a top Russia and Europe adviser. It was there that he stepped into the thick of an in-house squabble about the activities of Rudy Giuliani, Trump's personal attorney who had been conversing with Ukrainian leaders outside of traditional U.S. diplomatic circles.

Known as a "hawk" in national security circles, Morrison is set to be the first political appointee from the White House to testify before impeachment investigators. The probe has been denounced by the president, who has directed his staff not to testify.

Regardless of what he says, GOP lawmakers will be hard-pressed to dismiss Morrison, formerly a longtime Republican staffer at the House Armed Services Committee. He's been bouncing around Washington in Republican positions for two decades, having worked for Rep. Mark Kennedy, R-Minn., Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., and as a GOP senior staffer on the House Armed Services Committee, including nearly four years when it was chaired by Rep. Mac Thornberry, R-Texas.

Morrison's name appeared more than a dozen times in earlier testimony by William Taylor, the acting U.S. ambassador in Ukraine, who told impeachment investigators that Trump was withholding military aid unless the new Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, went public with a promise to investigate Trump's political rival Joe Biden and his son Hunter. Taylor's testimony contradicts Trump's repeated denials that there was any quid pro quo.

Taylor said Morrison recounted a conversation that Gordon Sondland, America's ambassador to the European Union, had with a top aide to Zelenskiy named Andriy Yermak. Taylor said Morrison told him security assistance would not materialize until Zelenskiy committed to investigate Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company that once employed Biden's son. A White House meeting for Zelenskiy also was in play.

"I was alarmed by what Mr. Morrison told me about the Sondland-Yermak conversation," Taylor testified. "This was the first time I had heard that the security assistance — not just the White House meeting — was conditioned on the investigations."

Taylor testified that Morrison told him he had a "sinking feeling" after learning about a Sept. 7 conversation Sondland had with Trump.

"According to Mr. Morrison, President Trump told Ambassador Sondland that he was not asking for a quid pro quo," Taylor testified. "But President Trump did insist that President Zelenskiy go to a microphone and say he is opening investigations of Biden and 2016 election interference, and that President Zelenskiy should want to do this himself. Mr. Morrison said that he told Ambassador Bolton and the NSC lawyers of this phone call between President Trump and Ambassador Sondland."

Morrison told people after Bolton was forced out of his job that the national security adviser had tried to stop Giuliani's diplomatic dealings with Ukraine and that Morrison agreed, according to a U.S. official, who was not authorized to discuss Morrison's role in the impeachment inquiry and spoke only on condition of anonymity. The official said Morrison told people that with the appointment of Robert O'Brien as Bolton's successor, his own future work at the NSC was in a "holding pattern."

Bolton had brought Morrison into the NSC in July 2018 as senior director for weapons of mass destruction and biodefence. He's known as an arms control expert or an arms treaty saboteur, depending on who you ask.

Morrison, who earned a bachelor's degree from the University of Minnesota and a law degree from George Washington University, keeps nuclear strategist Herman Kahn's seminal volume on thermonuclear warfare on a table in his office.

Daryl Kimball, executive director of the Arms Control Association, said Bolton and Morrison are likeminded. Kimball said both have been known for calling up GOP congressional offices warning them against saying anything about arms control that didn't align with their views.

"Just as John Bolton reportedly did, I would be shocked if Morrison did not regard Giuliani's activities as being out of bounds," said Kimball, who has been on opposite sides of arms control debates with Morrison for more than a decade.

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Stocks making the biggest moves after hours: Apple, Facebook, Lyft and more - CNBC

The Lyft logo is shown on the screen at the Nasdaq offices in Times Square on March 29, 2019 in New York.

Don Emmert | AFP | Getty Images

Check out the companies making headlines after the bell:

Lyft shares climbed during extended trading following the company's raised full-year revenue guidance and posted better-than-expected earnings for its third quarter. The ride-hailing company posted a loss of $1.57 per share, better than the $1.66 loss per share analysts anticipated. Revenue came in at $956 million, above the $915 million expected, according to Refinitiv consensus estimates. Lyft's active riders and revenue per rider also topped expectations.

Shares of Etsy tumbled more than 9% despite the company's third-quarter revenue beat. The company posted revenue of $197.9 million, while analysts polled by Refinitiv expected revenue of $193.5 million. Gross merchandise sales also topped expectations at $1.20 billion, compared to the $1.13 billion forecast. Etsy matched earnings expectations at 12 cents per share.

The e-commerce platform also raised its full-year revenue and gross merchandise sales guidance. The company forecasts 2019 revenue between $809 million and $815 million, above the $806 million Wall Street expected.

Apple shares rose more than 1% after the company reported a fourth-quarter earnings beat. The tech giant reported earnings of $3.03 per share on revenue of $64.04 billion, topping the $2.84 earnings per share and $62.99 billion analysts expected, according to Refinitiv consensus estimates.

iPhone revenue and services revenue were also better-than-expected, coming in at $33.36 billion and $12.51 billion, respectively. Analysts expected $32.42 billion in iPhone revenue and $12.15 billion in services revenue, according to Refinitiv.

Shares of AK Steel plunged 8% after the bell, following the company's lowered guidance and third-quarter earnings miss. The company lowered its guidance due to lower steel prices and a lower number of steel shipments after the GM strike.

For its third quarter, the company reported earnings of 1 cent per share on revenue of $1.30 billion, falling short of the EPS of 4 cents and revenue of $1.65 billion analysts expected, according to Refinitiv consensus estimates.

Shares of Twitter slipped as much as 4% after the company announced that it will not allow political ads on its website, shortly after Facebook came under fire for refusing to do so. "Paying to increase the reach of political speech has significant ramifications that today's democratic infrastructure may not be prepared to handle," CEO and Co-Founder Jack Dorsey said in a .

Starbucks shares climbed 3% after the bell after the company topped revenue estimates for its fourth quarter. The coffee giant reported revenue of $6.75 billion, exceeding the $6.68 billion expected, according to analysts surveyed by Refinitiv. Starbucks' same-store sales increased by 5%, also up from the 3.9% Wall Street expected.The company matched earnings forecasts at 70 cents per share.

Shares of Facebook climbed more than 4% after the bell following the social media behemoth's third-quarter earnings beat on the top and bottom line. Facebook posted earnings of $2.12 per share on revenue of $17.65 billion, while analysts expected earnings of $1.91 per share and revenue of $17.37 billion, according to Refinitiv.

The company also reported better-than-expected daily active users and average revenue per user, at 1.62 billion and $7.26, respectively. Wall Street expected 1.61 billion daily active users and average revenue of $7.09 per user. Facebook matched monthly active users estimates at 2.45 billion.

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米国株式市場=S&P最高値、FOMC決定受け - ロイター

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利子どころか...「手数料」払ってお金預ける時代に? 銀行苦境で導入議論 - J-CASTニュース

利子どころか...「手数料」払ってお金預ける時代に? 銀行苦境で導入議論  J-CASTニュース
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日銀買い入れ、超長期債の新発銘柄を除外-相場は上昇で反応(1) - ブルームバーグ

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  4. 超長期債が上昇、日銀スティープ化策の材料出尽くし感-FOMC警戒  ブルームバーグ
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郵便局幹部2人が切手着服、5.4億円換金 別納を悪用(朝日新聞デジタル) - Yahoo!ニュース

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Powell says the Fed would need to see a 'really significant' rise in inflation before hiking rates - CNBC

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said Wednesday that the central bank would need to see a sustained and significant uptick in price pressures before considering future rate hikes.

"We just touched 2% core inflation to pick one measure. Just touched it for a few months and then we've fallen back," Powell said from Washington. "So I think we would need to see a really significant move up in inflation that's persistent before we would consider raising rates to address inflation concerns."

He also detailed the Fed's decision to cut interest rates for the third time in 2019, saying that officials "see the current stance of monetary policy as likely to remain appropriate."

Powell stressed that any future move to increase borrowing costs would have to be preceded by a meaningful and consistent uptick in inflation, the rate at which prices rise in the U.S. economy. That could mean a long wait until the next hike, with the Fed's preferred inflation gauge showing little signs of breaking out anytime soon.

The government's most recent read on the PCE price index showed a 0.2% increase in July. Excluding the volatile food and energy components, the PCE price index edged up 0.1% last month after rising 0.2% in July. That lifted the annual increase in the so-called core PCE price index to 1.8% in August, the biggest gain since January, from 1.7% in July.

The core PCE index is the Fed's preferred inflation measure and has consistently undershot the U.S. central bank's 2% target this year.

The Fed chair's comment followed the central bank's decision to cut interest rates by 25 basis points for the third time in 2019. The Fed's new target for overnight lending is now in a range between 1.5% and 1.75%.

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October 31, 2019 at 01:35AM

Powell says the Fed would need to see a 'really significant' rise in inflation before hiking rates - CNBC
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Everything Jim Cramer said on 'Mad Money,' including Apple and Facebook earnings

CNBC's Jim Cramer thinks investors need to start considering consumption time and the federal government as a weight on Apple, Facebook and other tech stocks. The "Mad Money" host sits down with Wingstop CEO Charlie Morrison to get a read on what's driving the company's growth. Later in the show he bets that Spotify shares are gaining momentum coming off its latest quarterly earnings and says that Biogen could be on its way to being a $100 billion company. 

Two critical factors are ahead of Facebook and Apple

Apple CEO Tim Cook

Spencer Platt | Getty Images

Apple and Facebook both recorded top- and bottom-line beats in their quarterly reports Wednesday afternoon, but their stocks barely reacted to the news in after-market trading.

CNBC's suspects challenges for the tech titans may be afloat.

"While Facebook and Apple both reported strong numbers, I think their stocks should've been up much more than they are in [the] after hours," the "Mad Money" host said. "I'm sensing some skepticism ... creeping in about both of them and I suspect some of it has to do with twin constraints of time and government."

Wingstop CEO breaks down the restaurant franchise's growth drivers

Charles Morrison, CEO, Wingstop

Scott Mlyn | CNBC

Wingstop is counting on its advertising, digital and delivery strategies to help power through another year of same-store sales growth, CEO Charlie Morrison told CNBC.

The restaurant chain is approaching its 16th consecutive year of positive comp sales, he said. In its most recent quarter, Wingstop grew its advertising spending more than 50% to $12.7 million and expanded its online business to nearly 36% of domestic sales. Delivery is now offered at 80% of its U.S. restaurants.

"We have a bright future ahead of us — a lot of runway for growth not only here in the U.S. but across the world," Morrison said in an interview with Cramer.

Cramer bets Spotify is building momentum 

Daniel Ek, chief executive officer and co-founder of Spotify AB

Akio Kon | Bloomberg | Getty Images

Spotify has solved a number of pressing questions that made investors skeptical about owning the stock, Cramer said.

The music-streaming platform surprised Wall Street on Monday when it recorded a profit including robust subscriber growth in its third quarter, sending the stock up more than 16% that trading day. The stock is now up more than 23% on the year, and the host believes there's more upside on the way.

"The company just reported a game changer of a quarter, and even after that rally, the stock's basically back to where it was when it came public in a direct listing last year," he said.

Biogen could grow into a $100 billion company

Employees at Biogen in Cambridge, Mass.

Suzanne Kreiter | The Boston Globe | Getty Images

Biotech firm Biogen could double its market cap on regulatory approval for its experimental Alzheimer's drug, aducanumab, Cramer said.

Biogen, with a $54.1 billion market cap as of Wednesday's close, "could be worth twice that if all goes well" with the Food and Drug Administration, the host said.

Cramer's lightning round

In Cramer's lighting round, the "Mad Money" host delivers callers his thoughts about their favorite stock picks of the day in rapid speed.

Cedar Fair: "Cedar Fair is up. ... Six Flags is down. You've got the right one, Sandusky, Ohio."

: "I think Square is too low. ... I think it's time to start thinking [it's time] for it to do something."

Disclosure: Cramer's charitable trust owns shares of Apple and Facebook.

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