
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

China's factory activity contracted in July, a private survey shows

Workers sewing in a clothing factory in Bozhou, east China's Anhui province.

STR | AFP | Getty Images

China's manufacturing activity contracted in July, according to results of a private survey released on Thursday.

The Caixin/Markit factory Purchasing Managers' Index for was 49.9 — slightly better than expected.

Analysts polled by Reuters had expected the indicator to come in at 49.6. The reading for June was 49.4.

PMI readings above 50 indicate expansion, while those below that signal contraction.

On Wednesday, data from the Chinese statistics bureau showed official manufacturing PMI was in contraction for three straight months, coming in at 49.6 for the month of July.

The official PMI survey typically polls a large proportion of big businesses and state-owned enterprises. The Caixin indicator, features a bigger mix of small- and medium-sized firms.

The PMI is a survey of businesses about the operating environment. Such data offer a first glimpse into what's happening in an economy, as they are usually among the first major economic indicators released each month.

For China, the PMI is among economic indicators that investors globally watch closely for signs of trouble amid domestic headwinds and the ongoing U.S.-China trade dispute.

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Protesters calling for NYPD officer's firing interrupt second Democratic debate

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio speaks on the second night of the second 2020 Democratic U.S. presidential debate in Detroit, Michigan, July 31, 2019.

Lucas Jackson | Reuters

Protesters calling for the firing of a New York City police officer involved in the 2014 death of Eric Garner interrupted the second Democratic presidential primary debate on Wednesday.

Chants of "Fire Pantaleo" started during New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio's opening statement at the Detroit debate. They reference Daniel Pantaleo, the officer involved in Garner's death on Staten Island that sparked nationwide protests.

Earlier this month, the Justice Department declined to seek charges against Pantaleo. Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., had to temporarily pause his opening statement as the chants continued.

In tweets following the chants, de Blasio said he "heard" and "saw" the protesters.

"While I believe that respecting the process is the best way to get justice for Eric Garner's family, I recognize and identify with the pain people across this country are feeling," he said.

He continued: "From ending a broken policy of stop-and-frisk to training our officers in implicit bias, we've fundamentally changed our city because of Eric Garner — so that a tragedy like this never happens again."

Later asked about why the city did not fire Pantaleo, de Blasio said the Garner family would get justice within 30 days. It is unclear what specific steps he was referencing.

In a separate tweet Wednesday, Booker acknowledged the protesters.

"To the folks who were standing up to Mayor de Blasio a few minutes ago—good for you. That's how change is made," he wrote.

Two of de Blasio's rivals on the stage Wednesday — Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro — contended Pantaleo should have been fired.

Candidates brought up Garner's death during a broader discussion about how they would address racial justice as president.

Garner, an asthmatic, repeatedly said "I can't breathe" as Pantaleo tried to apprehend him. His words captured on video became a rallying cry for Americans protesting police use of force.

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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

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Pixel 4にジェスチャー操作を搭載 手を振るだけで通話の停止を可能に - livedoor

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アメリカは「予防的利下げ」へ 景気減速に備える欧米に日銀はどうする?

智田裕一 米・FRBが利下げに踏み切る見通し 米中貿易摩擦やイギリスEU離脱の影響でヨーロッパでも利下げの可能性 日銀は将来を見据えた判断を迫られる アメリカ ...

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  4. Google、Pixel 4に「Soli」レーダーを搭載。ハンズフリー操作でアンビエント・コンピューティングへ一歩 - Engadget Japanese  Engadget 日本版
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Pixel 4にジェスチャー操作を搭載 手を振るだけで通話の停止を可能に - livedoor

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智田裕一 米・FRBが利下げに踏み切る見通し 米中貿易摩擦やイギリスEU離脱の影響でヨーロッパでも利下げの可能性 日銀は将来を見据えた判断を迫られる アメリカ ...

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トランプ米大統領、「大幅な」利下げをFOMCに要求  ブルームバーグ

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トランプ米大統領、「大幅な」利下げをFOMCに要求 - ブルームバーグ

Apple put an iPhone in everybody's pocket -- now its growth depends on devices all over our bodies

Simone Marchetti wears Apple AirPods during Milan Fashion Week in Milan, Italy.

Melodie Jeng | Getty Images

Apple is often referred to as the "iPhone company," because that's the product that's driven the majority of Apple's sales for years.

Since 2012, the iPhone has accounted for over half of Apple's revenue for every single quarter. But that streak broke when Apple reported earnings on Tuesday — instead, Apple's biggest product only accounted for 48% of total sales, and iPhone sales were actually down 12% from last year.

Yet Apple beat expectations and total revenue was up from a year ago.

The main product category picking up the slack? What Apple calls "wearables" — the category including Apple Watch, AirPods wireless earbuds, and Beats headphones.

Apple CEO Tim Cook called it a "blowout quarter" for its wearables product category and said there was "phenomenal demand" for the $159 AirPods.

Apple said that Wearables, Home and Accessories sales totaled $5.53 billion in the most recent quarter, which was a massive beat — analysts surveyed by FactSet were only expecting sales of $4.59 billion, nearly a billion less than the actual number.

It's hard to do a year-over-year comparison, because Apple rearranged its product categories late last year, but Apple Watch and headphones used to be in a category called "Other Products," which totaled $3.7 billion in the same period last year.

"As I mentioned at the outset, it was another sensational quarter for Wearables, with growth accelerating to well over 50 percent," Cook said in a call with analysts to discuss the company's results.

Apple doesn't break out unit sales anymore, and never did for products like Apple Watch, so it's unclear eactly which products are driving the growth, but Cook said that wearables by itself — not accessories — was up "well over" 50% and was the size of a Fortune 200 company over the last 12 months. (The 200th company on the Fortune 500 is General Mills, with $15.74 billion in revenue last year.)

Perhaps the biggest positive for Apple's growth going forward is that competition is less fierce in the smartwatch and wireless earbud categories than in smartphones.

In the fourth quarter of 2018, the last quarter which estimates are available, Apple was by far the number one wearables company by unit shipments, according to IDC data, with 16.2 million units shipped.

Next was Xiaomi, with 7.5 million units, primarily shipped to China.

"We've got the wearables area that is doing extremely well," Cook said in response to a question about the future of Apple aside from the iPhone. "We stuck with that when others perhaps didn't, and really put a lot of energy into this and a lot of R&D, and are are in a very good position today to keep playing out what's next there."

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Google、Pixel 4に「Soli」レーダーを搭載。ハンズフリー操作でアンビエント・コンピューティングへ一歩 - Engadget Japanese - Engadget 日本版

  1. Google、Pixel 4に「Soli」レーダーを搭載。ハンズフリー操作でアンビエント・コンピューティングへ一歩 - Engadget Japanese  Engadget 日本版
  2. Google、触れずに操作できる機能を「Pixel 4」に搭載。強力な顔検知機能も  PC Watch
  3. Google、「Pixel 4」のトップベゼルの中身を紹介 「Soli」による顔認証など  ITmedia NEWS
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Google、Pixel 4に「Soli」レーダーを搭載。ハンズフリー操作でアンビエント・コンピューティングへ一歩 - Engadget Japanese - Engadget 日本版

米国株が下落、FOMC声明待ち-国債は続伸 - ブルームバーグ

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米国株が下落、FOMC声明待ち-国債は続伸 - ブルームバーグ

アメリカは「予防的利下げ」へ 景気減速に備える欧米に日銀はどうする? -

アメリカは「予防的利下げ」へ 景気減速に備える欧米に日銀はどうする?

智田裕一 米・FRBが利下げに踏み切る見通し 米中貿易摩擦やイギリスEU離脱の影響でヨーロッパでも利下げの可能性 日銀は将来を見据えた判断を迫られる アメリカ ...

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米国株が下落、FOMC声明待ち-国債は続伸 - ブルームバーグ

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米国株が下落、FOMC声明待ち-国債は続伸 - ブルームバーグ

Steel industry to suffer major losses from rising carbon prices and climate regulations, report says

A man using an angle grinder on a steel piece at a metal fabrication company on August 7, 2018 in Orange County, New York.

Waring Abbott | Getty Images

The world's largest steel corporations are not reducing emissions at the rate required to keep global warming below 2 degrees Celsius, a failure that on average puts 14% of the companies' potential value at risk, according to a new analysis of corporate earnings profiles.

The 20 companies, which together represent 30% of global steel production, are currently expected to reduce emissions by less than 50% by 2050, falling behind the 65% reduction standard set by the International Energy Agency.

"Steel represents the most emissions-intensive industry — it's a huge footprint," said Luke Fletcher, a senior analyst at CDP, the international nonprofit that wrote the new report and works with companies to disclose financial risks of climate change on their bottom line.

The report illustrates the failure of polluting corporations to keep up with climate regulations and the financial losses they could suffer as carbon prices rise and the planet warms.

For decades, the steel sector has produced essential metal for construction, cars and food cans. However, it's also responsible for 7% to 9% of all direct fossil fuel emissions, according to the World Steel Association, and is currently the largest industrial source of climate pollution.

Polluters face rising carbon prices

Under a 2 degrees Celsius scenario where global carbon prices rise to $100 per metric ton by 2040, the companies on average face a 14% hit risk, ranging from 2.5% to 30% for individual companies, the report shows.

Leaders at the World Bank and International Monetary Fund have pushed governments to implement higher prices on carbon in order to force fossil fuel polluters to pay for the carbon dioxide they emit into the atmosphere. Cutting emissions alone, they say, is not enough to effectively combat climate change.

The EU's carbon price, for instance, has more than tripled since 2018 and is expected to rise in upcoming years. ArcelorMittal, a multinational steel corporation headquartered in Luxembourg City, cited higher carbon prices in its decision to slash production in May.

Steel companies are not on track to reduce emissions or avoid financial losses from higher carbon prices. According to the report, while 60% of the companies have set emissions reduction targets, only two of them are aligned with a 2 degrees Celsius or below emissions target.

Those companies are SSAB, a Nordic- and U.S.-based steel company that aims to reach carbon neutrality by 2045, and South Korea-based Hyundai Steel, which aims for an 80% reduction in emissions by 2050.

"The pace at which the steel sector is reducing emissions is too slow for the transition to a low-carbon economy," Fletcher said, "and it needs to deploy and commercialize radical technologies if it is to avoid looming carbon costs and remain competitive."

There is also a geographic gap between higher and lower performing companies. The report showed that Chinese, Russian and U.S. companies lagged behind European and East Asian companies in developing low-carbon technologies.

"A lot of these regions don't have stringent carbon pricing regulations," Fletcher said.

"We found across the board that the companies doing well were setting ambitions and goals to reduce their emissions, looking toward the long term and embracing innovation."

Cleaner tech means higher costs

Some steel plants are working on steelmaking technology that would reduce carbon dioxide emissions and energy consumption, such as hydrogen steelmaking and electrolysis using clean electricity.

SSAB, for instance, is developing green hydrogen steelmaking technologies. ArcelorMittal is working on technology that uses electricity to reduce iron oxides, as well as technology that separates carbon dioxide from waste gases.

However, innovative technology couldn't be implemented commercially until the 2030s and would raise the cost of steel production by 20% to 30%. Higher production costs could be a disincentive for companies to embrace new technologies, Fletcher said.

Still, more technologies to reduce carbon emissions are emerging, and the sector has also become a leader in recycling, as steel is now the world's most recycled material.

"Companies are aware of the risks that these carbon costs represent, and they can reduce these risks by embracing cleaner technology and looking at their earnings profiles," Fletcher said.

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Samsung says its second-quarter profit fell 56% from a year ago

A South Korean flag, left, and Samsung Electronics Co. flag fly outside the company's headquarters in Seoul, South Korea.

Jean Chung| Bloomberg | Getty Images

Samsung Electronics said Wednesday that profits for the three months that ended June more than halved from a year earlier due to falling memory chip prices.

Operating profit for the quarter came in at 6.6 trillion Korean won ($5.6 billion), the world's largest smartphone maker said. Its consolidated revenue was at 56.13 trillion won.

"The weakness and price declines in the memory chip market persisted as effects of inventory adjustments by major datacenter customers in the previous quarters continued, despite a limited recovery in demand," Samsung said in a news release.

Those numbers were slightly better than the guidance the company provided earlier this month.

Samsung said its semiconductor business posted consolidated revenue of 16.09 trillion won and an operating profit of 3.4 trillion won for the quarter. The company said its memory unit saw increased demand despite weak market conditions. For the second half of the year, Samsung said, "demand is expected to grow although the Company sees volatility in the overall industry due to increased external uncertainties."

Memory components, which are used in mobile handsets and enterprise servers, make up Samsung's main profit-making business.

This is the second consecutive quarter where the South Korean tech giant's operating profit more than halved from the same period a year earlier. In the three months that ended March, Samsung's profits fell about 60% on-year to 6.2 trillion Korean won ($5.3 billion).

The global semiconductor industry is undergoing a period of inventory adjustment that is keeping demand low and causing a supply glut, which is squeezing prices. Analysts have said they expect a recovery to get underway in 2020.

Last week, Samsung rival SK Hynix reported its smallest quarterly earnings in three years, missing an industry estimate.

South Korean chipmakers have another cause for concern: An ongoing dispute between Japan and South Korea resulted in Tokyo restricting exports of crucial high-tech materials that are used by the likes of Samsung and SK Hynix to make chips and smartphone displays.

While the short-term impact of the restriction is expected to be limited due to high inventory levels, analysts have said companies may face longer term difficulties in sourcing for alternatives. While that could potentially help push up chip prices, it is likely to make smartphones and other electronics more expensive.

— Reuters contributed to this report.

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Monday, July 29, 2019

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パウエルFRB議長の会見次第で大荒れの展開も=今週の米株市場 - ロイター (Reuters Japan)

人気子供服マザウェイズ、「突如倒産」のわけ(東洋経済オンライン) - Yahoo!ニュース

  1. 人気子供服マザウェイズ、「突如倒産」のわけ(東洋経済オンライン)  Yahoo!ニュース
  2. 人気子供服マザウェイズ、「突如倒産」のわけ  東洋経済オンライン
  3. 「子ども服1000円未満」西松屋が客数減深刻…ユニクロやしまむらも注力で攻勢開始 | ビジネスジャーナル  Business Journal
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人気子供服マザウェイズ、「突如倒産」のわけ(東洋経済オンライン) - Yahoo!ニュース

じぶん銀行が「auじぶん銀行」へ名称変更 - ITmedia

  1. じぶん銀行が「auじぶん銀行」へ名称変更  ITmedia
  2. じぶん銀行、2020年2月9日から「auじぶん銀行」に商号変更  ITmedia Mobile
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じぶん銀行が「auじぶん銀行」へ名称変更 - ITmedia

ソニー、最新透明ディスプレイを披露 360度ぐるりと映像表示 - Engadget Japanese - Engadget 日本版

  1. ソニー、最新透明ディスプレイを披露 360度ぐるりと映像表示 - Engadget Japanese  Engadget 日本版
  2. ソニー、360度映像を表示可能な円筒透明スクリーンディスプレイを開発  AV Watch
  3. ソニー、360度から映像を見られる円筒型透過ディスプレイ 米国で参考出展  ITmedia NEWS
  4. ソニー、全方向から映像 円筒ディスプレー開発  日本経済新聞
  5. ソニー、360°映像表示可能な円筒透明スクリーンディスプレイを米国・SIGGRAPH 2019に出展  PRONEWS
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ソニー、最新透明ディスプレイを披露 360度ぐるりと映像表示 - Engadget Japanese - Engadget 日本版

China's Beijing Kunlun to revisit IPO for dating app Grindr

In this photo illustration a Grindr logo is seen displayed on a smartphone on April 01, 2019.

Rafael Henrique | LightRocket | Getty Images

Chinese gaming company Beijing Kunlun Tech said on Monday it would revive plans for an initial public offering (IPO) of popular gay dating app Grindr, after a U.S. national security panel dropped its opposition to the plan.

Kunlun said in May it had agreed to a request by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) to sell Grindr, setting a June 2020 deadline to do so and putting preparations for an IPO of Grindr on hold.

A source familiar with the matter said on Monday that Kunlun's efforts to sell Grindr outright were continuing even as the IPO preparations were relaunched.

A Grindr spokeswoman declined to share more information about the IPO plans. Kunlun did not respond to requests for comment. The U.S Treasury Department, which chairs CFIUS, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

CFIUS has not disclosed its concerns about Kunlun's ownership of Grindr. However, the United States has been increasingly scrutinizing app developers over the safety of personal data they handle, especially if some of it involves U.S. military or intelligence personnel.

Reuters reported in May that Kunlun had given some Beijing-based engineers access to the personal information of millions of Americans, including private messages and HIV status.

Kunlun said in May it would shut down Grindr's China operations and would not send any sensitive user data to China, in an effort to address concerns over data privacy.

Grindr will be listed on a stock exchange outside China, with the timing of the move to be decided according to overseas capital market conditions, Kunlun said in a filing to the Shenzhen stock exchange on Monday.

Kunlun is one of China's largest mobile gaming companies. It acquired a majority stake in Grindr in 2016 for $93 million and bought out the remainder of the company in 2018. It did so without submitting the transactions for CFIUS review.

Kunlun's control of Grindr has fueled concerns among privacy advocates in the United States. Democratic U.S. Senators Edward Markey and Richard Blumenthal sent a letter to Grindr last year demanding answers about how the app would protect users' privacy under its Chinese owner.

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5. かんぽ、株売却前に苦情把握 不適切販売問題で報告 - 日本経済新聞

  1. 5. かんぽ、株売却前に苦情把握 不適切販売問題で報告  日本経済新聞
  2. かんぽ生命は事実上「国有」に 競争に勝てずノルマに頼る  livedoor
  3. “保険不適切販売問題” 郵政民営化委員長「遺憾」(19/07/30)  ANNnewsCH
  4. かんぽ、書類偽造し契約も 「親しい客なら許されると」  朝日新聞
  5. かんぽのノルマ廃止へ 日本郵便、不適切販売で  日本経済新聞
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5. かんぽ、株売却前に苦情把握 不適切販売問題で報告 - 日本経済新聞

「梅田ってどこ?」で「大阪梅田駅」に改称 阪急・阪神 - livedoor

「梅田ってどこ?」で「大阪梅田駅」に改称 阪急・阪神  livedoor

阪急電鉄と阪神電鉄は大阪の玄関口である「梅田駅」を「大阪梅田駅」にそれぞれ変更することを決めた。関係者によると、変更は10月1日から。外国人観光客の利用が ...

「梅田ってどこ?」で「大阪梅田駅」に改称 阪急・阪神 - livedoor

Trade jitters running high at American companies ahead of new US-China talks

Worries about the U.S.-China trade war are running high during the current U.S. quarterly reporting season, with companies as diverse as Juniper Networks and O'Reilly Automotive bemoaning the consequences but saying they are finding ways to weather the storm.

Trade negotiations shift to Shanghai on Tuesday, with stock market investors sensitive to fallout from the year-long conflict and any signs that it could escalate.

Tariffs were mentioned in about a third of conference calls held by S&P 500 companies reporting their quarterly results through July 26, according to FactSet.

The 71 firms flagging tariffs were up from the 50 companies discussing tariffs in the same time frame in the first-quarter season, but less than the 99 a year ago when tariffs were an emerging issue for U.S. corporations.

Many of those corporations outlined to investors their plans to minimize the impact of the trade war, which has added to uncertainty as they struggle with a sluggish global economy, including lackluster economies in Europe and Japan.

Parts supplier O'Reilly Automotive said in its conference call last week that it raised the prices of its products to make up for higher costs related to the tariffs.

Network gear maker Juniper Networks on Thursday missed the mid-point of its margin guidance due to the tariffs, saying it expected pressure to continue, even as it manages its operating expenses to mitigate the damage.

Of S&P 500 components that have reported their second-quarter earnings, export-focused companies have beaten analysts' expectations 77% of the time, while companies focused on the domestic economy have exceeded expectations just 66% of the time, according to an analysis by Credit Suisse.

That suggests that export-oriented companies are feeling the trade war less than investors expected, said Patrick Palfrey, an earnings analyst at Credit Suisse.

"Trade is an exacerbating factor, as opposed to the primary driver of the slowdown," Palfrey said.

S&P 500 earnings are expected to have risen just 0.6% in the second quarter from a year ago, according to IBES data from Refinitiv. A big part of the slowdown reflects tough comparisons with a year ago, when the U.S. tax cut package led to a 24.9% jump in second-quarter earnings.

Roughly 76% of the 222 companies that have reported as of Monday morning have beaten analysts' earnings expectations, in line with the recent trend.

Third-quarter earnings expectations have now turned negative, however, with earnings expected to decline 0.6% from a year ago, based on Refinitiv's data.

Wall Street has reacted sharply over the past year to tweets from U.S. President Donald Trump, variously suggesting progress and setbacks in settling the trade dispute.

Buoyed by expectations the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates, but also suggesting investors are becoming less sensitive to uncertainty around the trade war, the S&P 500 has surged 20% year to date and hit record highs last week.

Mattel's stock has surged 16% since Thursday, when the toymaker's quarterly results beat expectations, while it warned about the impact of an escalation of the trade war.

"We are being watchful of the potential tariff that may be implemented, and if implemented, would impact the entire toy industry. We have contingency plans in place and we're working closely with the retailers to ensure that we are aligned on our approach to mitigate the tariffs," Mattel CEO Ynon Kreiz said on a conference call last week.

The Philadelphia Semiconductor index has surged 38% in 2019, even as trade tensions and U.S. restrictions on sales to Chinese telecom Huawei make it harder to predict when U.S. chipmakers will recover from a global, cyclical downturn.

Investors were surprised last week after Texas Instruments  said that U.S.-China trade tensions were not hampering its ability to conduct business in China, while Intel said on Thursday that customers worried about potential tariffs on chips were preemptively buying processors.

"We really think the Q2 action was pulling from the second half into the first half," Intel CFO George Davis told Reuters following the earnings report. "Depending on how the trade discussions go, there could be some additional activity there, but we're not expecting at the same level, if at all, during the third quarter. We're forecasting demand based on the signals we're getting from our customers."

China recently signaled it would allow Chinese firms to make some tariff-free purchases of U.S. farm goods, while Washington has encouraged companies to apply for waivers to a national security ban on sales to Huawei. But going into the talks, neither side has implemented the measures that were intended to show their goodwill.

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かんぽ生命は事実上「国有」に 競争に勝てずノルマに頼る - livedoor

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韓国がRCEPで輸出規制見直し要求 世耕大臣は批判 - テレビ朝日

【きょうのセール情報】Amazonタイムセールで90%以上オフも! ACプラグ搭載2ポート対応のモバイルバッテリー兼充電器や1,000円台のポーチ付き自動開閉折りたたみ傘がお買い得に - GIZMODO JAPAN

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こちらは、メディアジーン コマースチームからの記事です。 Amazon(アマゾン)で毎日開催されているタイムセール、今日2019年7月30日はACプラグ搭載2ポート対応の ...

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かんぽ生命の不正販売、背景にある民主党政権「郵政再国有化」の真実(髙橋 洋一) @gendai_biz - 現代ビジネス

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【本日のセール情報】Amazonタイムセールで90%以上オフも! 3,000円台でワイヤレス充電対応の多機能チャージャーや2,000円台の低反発安眠まくらがお買い得に - Lifehacker JAPAN

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Sunday, July 28, 2019

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かんぽ生命と日本郵便の保険販売で昨年度、顧客に無断で書類を偽造して契約するなどの不祥事があり、法令違反として金融庁へ届け出ていたことが内部文書でわかった ...

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かんぽ生命の不正販売、背景にある民主党政権「郵政再国有化」の真実(髙橋 洋一) @gendai_biz  現代ビジネス

かんぽ生命に、顧客に対し新旧契約の保険料を故意に6ヵ月以上二重払いさせるなど、かなり悪質な不正が多数発覚している。この種の話が出ると、「郵政民営化による ...

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かんぽ生命の不正販売、背景にある民主党政権「郵政再国有化」の真実(髙橋 洋一) @gendai_biz - 現代ビジネス

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ピアスホールはもう要らない? 若者にイヤリング人気の意外な理由(Forbes JAPAN) - Yahoo!ニュース

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ピアスホールはもう要らない? 若者にイヤリング人気の意外な理由(Forbes JAPAN) - Yahoo!ニュース

オプジーボ特許料で小野薬品提訴へ 本庶氏「良好な産学連携取り戻したい」 - 産経ニュース

オプジーボ特許料で小野薬品提訴へ 本庶氏「良好な産学連携取り戻したい」  産経ニュース

がん免疫治療薬「オプジーボ」の特許使用料をめぐり、本庶佑・京都大特別教授が製造販売元の小野薬品工業(大阪市)に分配金150億円の支払いを求めて大阪地裁に ...

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オプジーボ特許料で小野薬品提訴へ 本庶氏「良好な産学連携取り戻したい」 - 産経ニュース

広さ求める日本の軽やミニバンの後席が危ない! 衝突安全性能向上で見えた課題とは(くるまのニュース) - Yahoo!ニュース

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「だしパック」売れ行き好調の理由 手軽に風味・減塩も - livedoor

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(社説)福島第二廃炉 世代超えて背負う責任 - 朝日新聞社

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(社説)福島第二廃炉 世代超えて背負う責任 - 朝日新聞社

US teen wins $3 million at video game tournament Fortnite World Cup

Kyle "Bugha" Giersdorf celebrates winning Fortnite World Cup at Arthur Ashe Stadium on July 28, 2019 in New York City.

Eric Ananmalay | Getty Images Sport | Getty Images

American teenager Kyle Giersdorf won $3 million on Sunday in New York after taking the top prize in a tournament for the popular online video game Fortnite.

Geirsdorf, 16, from Pennsylvania, was one of at least 100 players competing for $30 million in total prize money, as the booming popularity of video and online games has drawn top-dollar investments and fueled the emerging professional sport.

Global revenues from esports, or professional video game competitions, will hit $1.1 billion in 2019, up 27 percent since last year, thanks to ballooning revenues from advertising, sponsorship and media rights, according to a report released earlier this year.

Playing under the name "Bugha," Giersdorf won the solo finals portion of the Fortnite World Cup by scoring 59 points, 26 more than his nearest competitor "psalm," according to the Fortnite World Cup Leaderboard, posted on the game's website.

"Words can't even explain it. I'm just so happy," Giersdorf said in an interview at the event at Arthur Ashe Stadium in Queens, New York, posted by organizers on Twitter. "Everything I've done, the grind, it's all paid off. It's just insane."

Giersdorf did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Launched in 2017, Fortnite's popularity has helped Epic Games reach a $15-billion-valuation last year. It competes with other games like Electronic Arts Inc's Apex Legends and Tencent Holdings' PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

Overall, the global video and electronic games market, excluding revenues from esports, will generate $152.1 billion in 2019, up 9.6% over last year, according to a report by gaming analytics firm Newzoo.

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