東京都内の飲食店で1日、都受動喫煙防止条例に基づいて、喫煙・禁煙の標識の掲示が義務づけられる。飲食店が並ぶ中央区・日本橋では8月31日、経営者らが店頭に「 ...
Google ニュースですべての記事を表示飲食店に「禁煙」標識、早くも登場…受動喫煙防止条例施行 - 読売新聞
東京都内の飲食店で1日、都受動喫煙防止条例に基づいて、喫煙・禁煙の標識の掲示が義務づけられる。飲食店が並ぶ中央区・日本橋では8月31日、経営者らが店頭に「 ...
Google ニュースですべての記事を表示Twitterの創業者であるジャック・ドーシーCEOのTwitterアカウントである「@jack」がハッキングされました。
Google ニュースですべての記事を表示JR九州と宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA(ジャクサ))は31日、宇宙を飛行する人工衛星「つばめ」から、熊本総合車両所(熊本市南区)に停車中の九州新幹線「つばめ」を ...
Google ニュースですべての記事を表示日韓を結ぶ空の便の運休や減便が加速している。政治的対立などで韓国人観光客らの利用が減ったためだ。6割以上の路線で運休や減便が見込まれ、特に地方では便数 ...
Google ニュースですべての記事を表示老後の生活資金として2000万円ほどあったほうがよい」という報告書が話題となって.
Google ニュースですべての記事を表示かんぽ生命保険と日本郵便が、かんぽ生命の商品営業を10月1日から再開することを決めたのは、販売件数の大幅な減少が日本郵政グループ全体の経営に与える影響を ...
Google ニュースですべての記事を表示米国で長期金利と短期金利が逆転する「逆イールド」が、2007年以来約12年ぶりに発生した。景気後退のシグナルとされ、米国だけでなく、世界の株式市場は乱高下している ...
首都高速道路と阪神高速道路は8月30日、それぞれ10月1日の消費増税後の新料金を発表した。 首都高速では、ETC利用時の料金を、軽・二輪が280円~1090円、普通 ...
Apple Watch Series 4 ECG
Andrew Evers
Apple will replace some Apple Watch screens for free, the company announced on Friday.
The new repair program is because of a screen cracking problem with Aluminum Series 2 and Series 3 watches sold between September 2016 and September 2019.
"Apple has determined that, under very rare circumstances, a crack may form along the rounded edge of the screen in aluminum models of an Apple Watch Series 2 or Series 3," according to the bulletin on Apple's website.
Customers can check if their Apple Watch model is eligible for a free repair from an Apple store or an authorized service provider on Apple's website. A list of affected models is also on Apple's website.
Apple will fix watches for three years after they were sold, according to the notice. Apple's watch is seen as a success and growth story for the company. The company considers Apple Watch to be part of a "wearables" product category, which did $5.53 billion in sales last quarter.
高速道路6社は30日、10月に予定される消費税率10%への引き上げに伴い、料金改定を行うと発表した。いずれも増税額の転嫁にとどめる。各社は国土交通相の許可を ...
Google ニュースですべての記事を表示Coca-Cola, the official soda of Disney's theme parks, worked with the company to create stylized Coke, Sprite and Dasani bottles that fit into the world of Batuu. The sodas are reminiscent of thermal detonators from the "Star Wars" films and feature the name of each brand in Aurebesh, the fictional language of Star Wars.
The TSA has reversed its decision to ban the stylized Coke bottles sold at Disney's Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge lands.
Earlier this week, reports surfaced that the Transportation Security Administration had banned the souvenir from flights because it looks like an explosive.
However on Friday, TSA issued a new statement, saying, "We have completed our review, and instructed our officers to treat these as an oversized liquid."
Fans became enamored with these plastic bottles even before the California iteration of Galaxy's Edge opened in May.
Many have collected the bottles and brought them home from the park to display on shelves or, in some cases, turn into Christmas tree ornaments.
Representatives for Disney did not immediately respond to CNBC's request for comment.
Travelers who visit the planet of Batuu are permitted to board flights with hand-built lightsabers and astromech droids sold at the Black Spire Outpost.
The TSA's "What Can I Bring" guide even has a sense of humor about it, saying: "Sadly the technology doesn't currently exist to create a real lightsaber.
However, you can pack a toy lightsaber in your carry-on or checked bag. May the force be with you. "
30日の米株式相場はほぼ変わらず。消費者マインド指数が低下し、米中貿易戦争の関税発動を控えた市場では、株価は5月以降で初めて月間ベースで下落した。米国債も ...
Google ニュースですべての記事を表示Bags of heroin, some laced with fentanyl, are displayed before a press conference regarding a major drug bust, at the office of the New York Attorney General, September 23, 2016 in New York City.
Drew Angerer | Getty Images
U.S. and Chinese officials held a "working-level" call Thursday evening in which Beijing said it was making progress in restricting outbound fentanyl shipments, according to three sources familiar with the matter, homing in on a personal policy focus of President Donald Trump as it tries to get the White House to rollback tariffs.
In the call, these sources said, Chinese officials again reiterated a desire for relief on tariffs, with 15% tariffs set to hit $112 billion goods on Sunday and existing tariffs to rise on $250 billion in goods a month later.
It's unclear whether the level of detail provided by China on halting fentanyl exports would be enough to get President Trump to roll back the tariffs that, according to aides, he believes are his most effective policy tool.
Fentanyl has been a high priority for the White House as it moves to combat the opioid crisis.
Stopping shipment of the drug from China to the U.S. was a focal point of conversation for the two leaders when they met at the G-20 in Buenos Aires in late 2018.
At a bilateral dinner, President Xi Jinping committed to reclassifying fentanyl and related drugs as "controlled substances," and subjecting anyone caught making or selling the drugs to maximum penalty.
Trump has accused Xi of not doing enough since then to stop the flow of illicit drugs to the US.
In a briefing this week, China's Foreign Ministry said it's "groundless and false" that China is the main source of fentanyl in the U.S., and that the U.S. isn't doing enough to stem demand for the drug among domestic users.
"With 5% of the world's total population, the U.S. consumes 80% of the global opioid medication," spokesperson Geng Shuang told reporters on Aug. 29. "If the US really wants to solve its fentanyl problem, it should put its own house in order."
The White House did not respond to a request for comment.
The U.S. Trade Representative and the Treasury Department declined to comment.
President Donald Trump on August 9, 2019.
Leah Millis | Reuters
President Donald Trump on Friday said that tariffs on Chinese goods are still set to go into effect Sunday despite facing backlash from a number of companies.
The U.S. government will begin collecting 15% tariffs on $112 billion in Chinese imports starting Sept. 1.
Speaking to reporters before departing the White House Friday evening, Trump said a meeting on trade between U.S. and Chinese officials set for September was still scheduled. Trump also said U.S. officials are currently having conversations with their Chinese counterparts on trade.
Chinese and U.S. trade negotiating teams are maintaining effective communication, China's Foreign Ministry said on Friday.
The tit-for-tat tariff war now involves hundreds of billions of dollars of each country's goods and threatens global economic growth. Uncertainty about when or how it could end has roiled markets and complicated corporations' long-term investment plans.
More than 160 industry groups have written a letter to the president, asking him to postpone the tariff increase on Chinese goods scheduled to take place this year.
However, on Friday Trump insisted the tariffs will continue as planned. He also criticized the tariffs China has set in place which he said have devalued their currency.
"It's a bad situation they've put themselves in," he said.
Trump also commented on media reports about the departure of his personal assistant Madeleine Westerhout, who was let go after reportedly sharing confidential information about his family with reporters
"She called me, she was very upset," he said. "She was very down and she said she was drinking a little bit and she was with reporters and everything she said was off the record but that still doesn't really cover for her ... [She] mentioned a couple of things about my children but she's a very good person. I always felt she did a good job."
Information from Reuters was included in this report.
【NQNニューヨーク=岩本貴子】28日のニューヨーク外国為替市場で円相場は反落し、前日比40銭円安・ドル高の1ドル=106円10~20銭で取引を終えた。英国の欧州 ...
政府系保険会社の顧問だった男が、システム開発の入札をめぐり、特定の会社のために提案書を代筆するなどして落札できるようにした疑いで逮捕された。 浅原泉容疑 ...
29日の債券市場で、長期金利は前日比0.010%低い(価格は高い)マイナス0.290%に低下し、2016年7月につけた過去最低のマイナス0.300%に迫った。世界経済の減速 ...
Google ニュースですべての記事を表示【NQNニューヨーク=岩本貴子】28日のニューヨーク外国為替市場で円相場は反落し、前日比40銭円安・ドル高の1ドル=106円10~20銭で取引を終えた。英国の欧州 ...
携帯端末の値引きが規制される10月が迫る中、駆け込み販売をめぐって携帯大手が対立している。総務省は、規制前に消費者が囲い込まれないために駆け込み販売を ...
29日の債券市場で、長期金利は前日比0.010%低い(価格は高い)マイナス0.290%に低下し、2016年7月につけた過去最低のマイナス0.300%に迫った。世界経済の減速 ...
Google ニュースですべての記事を表示大阪メトロは29日、大規模改修を計画している計15駅のうち、5駅の新デザイン案を発表した。昨年末に発表したデザイン案に「悪趣味」などと批判が殺到したのを受け、 ...
Google ニュースですべての記事を表示11月に欧州中央銀行(ECB)総裁に就任するクリスティーヌ・ラガルド氏は、ドラギ現総裁の路線を引き継ぎ、ユーロ圏のインフレ率を押し上げるため超緩和的な金融政策を ...
Google ニュースですべての記事を表示File photo of a ride-sharing driver displaying Lyft and Uber stickers on his front windshield in downtown Los Angeles.
AP Photo | Richard Vogel
Uber and Lyft on Thursday pledged $60 million to a California ballot initiative for the 2020 election that would maintain the status of their drivers as contract workers.
The companies have been fighting a California bill that could force them to reclassify their drivers as employees. The bill passed through the California Assembly in May and is working its way through the state Senate.
"We are working on a solution that provides drivers with strong protections that include an earnings guarantee, a system of worker-directed portable benefits, and first-of-its kind industry-wide sectoral bargaining, without jeopardizing the flexibility drivers tell us they value so much," said Adrian Durbin, Lyft senior director of communications, in a statement. "We remain focused on reaching a deal, and are confident about bringing this issue to the voters if necessary."
Under Lyft and Uber's proposed ballot measure, California drivers would be receive more protections and benefits while maintaining their status as independent contractors. Those benefits would include a minimum earnings of $21 per booked hour, injured worker protection, and paid sick leave and paid family leave for those who drive a minimum of 20 hours per week.
WATCH: Here's how to see which apps have access to your Facebook data — and cut them off
29日の債券市場で、長期金利は前日比0.010%低い(価格は高い)マイナス0.290%に低下し、2016年7月につけた過去最低のマイナス0.300%に迫った。世界経済の減速 ...
Google ニュースですべての記事を表示大阪メトロは29日、令和6(2024)年度末までに改装する御堂筋線と中央線の15駅のうち、梅田や心斎橋など5駅の最終デザインを発表した。昨年12月に発表した素案…
Google ニュースですべての記事を表示債券相場は小幅反発。米中貿易摩擦や世界景気に対する懸念を背景とした買いが入り、超長期債利回りは一時3年ぶりの低水準を更新した。その後は高値警戒感が強まっ ...
Google ニュースですべての記事を表示中国経済は8月に一段と減速した。国内景気の低迷や対米貿易摩擦の激化、世界貿易の悪化が重なり、先行きの見通しに影を落としている。
世界の長期金利が一段と低下している。米国では27日、長期金利が短期金利を下回り景気後退の前兆とされる「逆イールド」が再び発生した。すでにマイナス金利の日欧でも ...
Google ニュースですべての記事を表示債券相場は小幅反発。米中貿易摩擦や世界景気に対する懸念を背景とした買いが入り、超長期債利回りは一時3年ぶりの低水準を更新した。その後は高値警戒感が強まっ ...
Google ニュースですべての記事を表示東京証券取引所は28日、株式市場再編をめぐる情報漏洩(ろうえい)問題を起こした野村証券に対し、取引参加者規定に基づき、過怠金1千万円を科す処分を実施すると ...
世界の長期金利が一段と低下している。米国では27日、長期金利が短期金利を下回り景気後退の前兆とされる「逆イールド」が再び発生した。すでにマイナス金利の日欧でも ...
Google ニュースですべての記事を表示Live News α 外食業界の日本最大級の展示会「外食ビジネスウイーク」開催 軽減税率をビジネスチャンスととらえた企業がずらり ITで運営効率化、生産性を上げ、賃金向上 ...
Google ニュースですべての記事を表示東京海上グループの運用会社などで40年以上の運用経験を持つ大原透氏(65)が7月、中小企業基盤整備機構・共済事業の資産運用アドバイザーに就任した。日本株の ...
債券相場は小幅反発。米中貿易摩擦や世界景気に対する懸念を背景とした買いが入り、超長期債利回りは一時3年ぶりの低水準を更新した。その後は高値警戒感が強まっ ...
Google ニュースですべての記事を表示29日の東京株式相場は小幅に3日続伸する見込み。原油やニッケルなど海外商品市況の上昇や為替相場の円高一服を好感し、海外市況に連動しやすい商社や鉱業、非鉄 ...
米金利先物市場では9月の利下げを100%織り込んだものの、貿易方針への不透明性は強く、今後の金利動向や景気を見通すのは一段と困難になっている。政策当局者も ...
世界の長期金利が一段と低下している。米国では27日、長期金利が短期金利を下回り景気後退の前兆とされる「逆イールド」が再び発生した。すでにマイナス金利の日欧でも ...
Google ニュースですべての記事を表示10月1日に予定されている改正電気通信事業法の施行により、日本の携帯料金や端末の販売モデルが変わろうとしています。 スマホの販売を支えてきた割引やキャッシュ ...
米国株式市場は下落。ダウ平均株価は120ドル値下がりして取引を終えた。長短金利の逆転が進行する中、景気後退(リセッション)懸念が深まり、金融株などに売りが出た ...
米国株式市場は下落。ダウ平均株価は120ドル値下がりして取引を終えた。長短金利の逆転が進行する中、景気後退(リセッション)懸念が深まり、金融株などに売りが出た ...
Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter talks with the media during a break the Opioid trial in Norman, Okla., June 26, 2019.
Sue Ogrocki | AP
SC Johnson, maker of Drano, Pledge and other household products, is threatening to sue Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter for citing the company's slogan in the state's opioid lawsuit against an unrelated, yet similarly named, Johnson & Johnson.
"I am writing to demand that you retract your statements that have appeared in both national and local media citing the SC Johnson tagline, 'A Family Company.' If you do not, we will have no choice but to bring suit," Johnson CEO Fisk Johnson said in a letter to Hunter released Tuesday.
Fisk said he's written Hunter more than once, asking him to refrain from using the company's slogan in statements and court filings in Oklahoma's lawsuit against J&J, which has denied any wrongdoing. The state was awarded $572 million in by a state judge Monday; J&J plans to appeal the verdict.
"Yet it was shocking and quite frankly outrageous, that you still went on national television, again propagating this misinformation. There was simply no reason for that.
Oklahoma Attorney General spokesman Alex Gerszewski said Hunter wasn't intentionally trying to confuse the companies.
"To be abundantly clear, we in no way meant for anyone to confuse SC Johnson with Johnson & Johnson. It is regrettable if someone did," Gerszewski said in an emailed statement.
"The reference to Johnson & Johnson as 'a family company' comes from the way it tries to appear to the public. Our trial, in part, was about unmasking this company for what it was found guilty of yesterday, being the kingpin behind the deadliest man made epidemic in our nation's history," he said.
Read Johnson's full letter below:
Attorney General Hunter,
I am writing to demand that you retract your statements that have appeared in both national and local media citing the SC Johnson tagline, "A Family Company." If you do not, we will have no choice but to bring suit.
This is a very difficult letter to write because the opioid crisis is such a terrible tragedy which has devastated many families. I can't possibly imagine what it's like for those families who have lost family members, and it is so important that this crisis be solved. While this issue on which I am writing pales in comparison, under the circumstance, I feel compelled to stand up for the 13,000 hardworking people of SC Johnson.
I have written to you on several occasions, "A Family Company" is the tagline of SC Johnson, not Johnson & Johnson. When you first used our tagline in May, and we reached out to your office, the Counsel for the State offered to make it clear on the record that SC Johnson is not associated with Johnson & Johnson in any manner.
We even contacted your office yesterday, as a further reminder to avoid using our tagline, which would cause people to believe SC Johnson is involved in this suit. Yet it was shocking and quite frankly outrageous, that you still went on national television, again propagating this misinformation. There was simply no reason for that.
You said yesterday that Johnson & Johnson's actions were "inconsistent with all of the grand statements that they [Johnson & Johnson] make about being a family company…" However, we can find no occasions where Johnson & Johnson has ever referred to themselves as a family company. I can only conclude that these theatrics are in the service of personal political advantage.
Fisk Johnson
Diane Greene, CEO of Google Cloud
Source: Google
Google is discontinuing Hire by Google, a service the company introduced to help human-resources employees simplify the process of keeping track of and communicating with job candidates.
Google often stops operating online services, including the Inbox email app and the Google+ social network. What makes this one notable is that it ties back to Diane Greene, a former Alphabet board member.
Some of the first work on Hire happened at Bebop, a start-up where Greene was founder and CEO. Google bought Bebop for $380 million in 2015, and as part of the acquisition, Greene was brought in to be head of Google's cloud business. That operation includes G Suite, the cloud productivity app portfolio that competes with Microsoft Office, and the Google Cloud Platform, which competes with Amazon Web Services and other offerings.
Google's cloud grew under Greene, a former co-founder and CEO of enterprise software company VMware. In 2018 Google announced that it was bringing in more than $1 billion in revenue per quarter. Google announced her departure in November and said that she would be replaced by Thomas Kurian, a longtime Oracle executive. Greene left Alphabet's board earlier this year.
Last month Google said that its cloud business is now generating more than $8 billion in revenue on an annualized basis.
Google announced Hire in 2017. Cloudera, Dandelion Chocolate, Prosperworks and SADA Systems are among the companies listed on Google's website as users of Hire, which integrates with services like Google Calendar and Gmail.
On Tuesday the company informed Hire administrators that it would stop running the service on Sept. 1, 2020.
"While Hire has been successful, we're focusing our resources on other products in the Google Cloud portfolio," the company said in the message.
Some people said they were sad to see the announcement.
WATCH: Google's Diane Greene says people were 'grossly underestimating' the size of its cloud